Staying Home

Well, as expected, the governor issued a stay home order for Oregon about a week ago. Most places are doing that now, I think, but it’s worth noting for posterity. I was already doing most of what the order requires, and I’ve stepped back to necessary trips only.

Video chats help the isolation a fair bit, which has been an unexpected surprise. Mostly I’ve been using the extra time to get more sleep and work on various home and garden projects. I have seedlings coming up, and a room that I’m making slow but stead progress on (floor next!), and a few more boxes to unpack.

Stay home, stay safe, and maybe check on your neighbors? <3


We are not fully ordered to stay at home yet here in Portland, but we are very close to it. It’s weird to be mostly-stuck-at-home while the trees and flowers are blooming.

My chipmunk ways have paid off. I have the luxury/privilege of being able to keep some extra pantry stuff on hand. I can work remotely with no obvious dip in quality or quantity of work. So generally I’m doing all right. I’m remembering that I need to manage my mental health, especially since I can’t see all my friends right now. (Please don’t come at me with that introvert stuff right now. I know most of you are. I respect your introversion but also I’m an extrovert.)

Anyway. The only way around, as they say, is through. So I’m gonna make some coffee and get some work done and just keep swimming til we get through.

Fly that freak flag


Y’all, I am ridiculously happy.

My stylist is a freaking genius with color. OK this isn’t news to me but it might be news to you.

She has UV reactive hair dye. Which means now I have UV reactive hair color.


I put a crappy picture on Instagram because I’m like giddy about it. Twelve year old Crafty would be tickled pink and I would totally have installed a black light in my room just to look at my hair.

runs off to search for black lights

Life is wild and chaotic for me right now. Rolling up on another birthday, working on a big life goal and work-working more hours than I care to tally. I should be able to take a breath around my birthday. chuckle

I hope you find something that makes you as happy as glowing pink and teal hair makes me. Happy Spring!

Reclaiming my time

Thanks to Representative Waters I will never forget this phrase.

I know it was a while back, but give me some slack: I’m a woman who’s been working in IT most of the past 20 years. Don’t think I haven’t been in those meetings a hundred times in my life. chuckle


Something’s been stuck in my craw the past several years and I finally have some words to wrap around it.

I don’t work for free.

I mean, I know that’s not a revelatory statement. We go to work to collect our paycheck and, when we’re lucky, do good things with people whose company we enjoy. That’s not the kind of work I mean.

I’ll give one example: a company whose product I use almost every day used to have a really neat feature where they’d feature a customer using the product and have a small gift card as a reward for being the featured customer of the month. It was clever and creative and people had a lot of fun conjuring up photos for the set and showing off their product collection.

You probably know what’s coming. This was in the pre-Instagram days. Instagram effectively killed that fun feature because hashtags are absolutely a thing, and instead of one person doing fun customer-based marketing, you can have thousands doing that same marketing for free, joyfully.

Look, I’m not as cynical as that sounds. If I were running a business, I would absolutely make the same move. Frankly it’s still a great company, they’re fantastic to their customers, and I still use their product nearly every day. And for a while I tagged some of my Instagram posts to be featured on the website because that was fun for me.

I don’t do that much anymore, not because I like my collection any less. I just feel less performative in my enjoyment of it. It’s so distracting and kind of gross to read a lovely post about an outfit choice or experience and then have twenty brand hashtags at the end of it. Sort of like those bullshit soap commercials where they commodified self worth and the lack thereof.

Turns out I enjoy things and experiences more when I don’t give a shit how they look on the Gram.

Not only that - and this is the real point - putting together extra curated Instagram posts is WORK. Work framing and composing and promoting and tagging and all of that stuff. And it’s work that I bet a ton of people who are not “influencers” (what the fuck ever that means) are doing for free for huge ass brands that don’t pay for the amount of marketing they get off it.

Also? I feel like there’s another post/rant coming about the value of just being yourself in a world that wants to hashtag, quantify, and market you.

Yarn Queue

Something I enjoy about living someplace that has actual seasons (apologies to Mis Angelenos but those aren’t seasons, amores) is choosing my activity by the season. With autumn looming and the weather cooling, I have a stack of crochet projects wanting my attention.

First up (in progress) is a TARDIS hat for FH. I’m using this pattern, with some modifications. I want wider ear flaps and cute braided ties, so I’m gonna do that. I also found something a bit more subtle that I’ll probably make for myself later, in this cute slouchy hat. I like the “heyyyyy, isn’t that . . . ?” feel of the second one. FH wants ear flaps. There you go.

After the first TARDIS hat will be this Lost Souls shawl for one of my sweeties. They requested black and white and I’m not sure if it will be Beetlejuice stripes or some intricate motif work. I’m thinking stripes are more likely.

Then I’m planning a hat for another friend. I don’t have the pattern picked out yet but I have the yarn and it’s gorgeous. This lovely shade of green nearly matches my friend’s eyes, and I think they will be stunning and pleased with it.

And of course there are the usual blankets, beanies for myself, et cetera. But I’m finally settling into seasons and truth be told, really enjoying them.


We did a little walkabout yesterday.  I’m never sure if I should call what I do hiking, but why the heck not?  

It was another beautiful Oregon spring day, as you can see. 


I don’t know what those yellow bushes are but they are pretty and the bees seem to enjoy them. 


That view. 


I thought this looked a bit like a firecracker.


We had to maneuver a few downed logs.